Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the most important thing to learn for the best blogging experience. Without proper blog optimization, we can’t even dream of getting impressive traffic from search engines. From the past few days, I've been getting too many requests from newbie bloggers to share some tips on on-page SEO. That's why today I'm going to mention those on-page SEO tips, which I've shared in my previous post on my blog. Sorry if you read those posts before, but I need to grab a novice blogger who is just starting to learn SEO and their blog to follow. All these tips are a must know by every blogger.
So, let's take a look at Blogspot's blog on the best on-page SEO tips, and if you have read them before, then don't ignore this post. It may be that you are learning something new, and you are missing out for some reason.
Blogspot on SEO Tips
Here are tips and tricks that will be beneficial for you to optimize your blog for Google and other search engines. Read it carefully and apply it to all people on your blog to make your blog cute and search engine trustworthy.
#1 Custom robots header tag
There are also some settings for bloggers Latest Mailing Database where they can personally make their own blog to make their blog more SEO friendly. Custom robot header tag settings are one of them. This will allow you to use custom robot head markers correctly. These settings can be easily managed. Now read this tutorial on setting a custom bot title tag for your Blogspot blog.
#2 Customize robots.txt
Search engine bots like Googlebot (Google's web crawling bot) need some guidelines on how they have to crawl and index our blog. We can prevent some non-important page tags from being indexed by Google to protect our blog from duplicate content issues. Read this article to add a custom robots.txt file to your blog.
#3 Optimize the title of your article
If you're just starting your blog on Blogger's default template, surely you'll be unaware of the fact that your article title isn't properly SEO. You will need to do some editing in your blog template to get your article titles properly optimized. You will see a significant change in your blog's organic traffic after this adjustment.
#4 Image Optimization
You can definitely notice related images between posts on many blogs. Images not only enhance the appearance of our content, but it also plays an important role in optimizing our blog posts. If we effectively utilize images for our blog posts, then we can get additional traffic from search engines.
Read this ultimate image optimization guide.
#5 Internal Linking SEO
Many bloggers fail to optimize their internal links, and they don't even have internal posts linking to each other. This is indeed a big mistake that we must avoid. Internal linking not only increases traffic to our blog pages but also helps our job search engine rankings. If you are doing the same mistake, then you must need some tricks to optimize internal linking.
Benefits of Internal SEO Links
#6 Search Engine Submission
When we are ready with the optimization of our blog, then we need to submit our blog in Google's webmaster tools. Verify and use our blog on Google Webmaster Tools to help it get indexed super fast in Google. It also tells us about blogging issues like broken links, HTML, etc. improvements that we must try to fix. We just need to verify the ownership of our blog and submit the Sitemap. That's it. If you haven't joined your blog GWT, then I suggest you read the tutorial below.
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